Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Series: Optimal Hormone Balance--Heavy Menstrual Bleeding


Bioflavonoids are classified under phytochemicals. Researchers have discovered many benefits to these biological compounds found in food. They affect health as significantly as vitamins and minerals although they’re not classified as nutrients. As they’re not stored in the body, it is advisable to eat foods rich in phytochemicals on a regular basis. Over a hundred phytochemicals have been identified, some of which act as antioxidants, immune system boosters and hormone stabilizers. In this section we’ll focus on the latter.

Bioflavonoids are often used to help balance hormone levels. They can normalize estrogen balance bringing excessively high estrogen down to more normal levels. They also bind to estrogen receptor sites in the uterus and breasts, blocking your body’s own high-octane estrogen from doing damage.

Reducing Heavy Bleeding

Some studies have shown that bioflavonoids, in combination with vitamin C, also help to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding in transitioning menopausal women, as well as women suffering from bleeding due to fibroid tumors. According to a study from the Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, flavonoids not only reduce heavy menstrual bleeding but also ease menstrual cramps. Of the 36 women who took 1,000 mg a day of a flavonoid-based nutritional supplement for just under 12 months, 70 percent of them experienced a 50 percent reduction in their bleeding, and the duration of the bleeding was one-third less. Seventy-five percent saw a reduction in the severity of their menstrual cramps.

Suggested Supplements:

Try supplementing 1,000-2,000 mg of citrus bioflavonoids per day. In addition to the citrus variety, quercetin and rutin also have anti-estrogen properties. Rutin has been shown to be particularly effective in strengthening capillaries and reducing menstrual bleeding.

Dr. Susan Lark’s Hormone Revolution by Susan M. Lark, MD with Kimberly Day
The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford

This information has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended as medical advice, nor to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. Please see a qualified licensed health care professional for medical concerns. Consult your doctor before beginning a nutritional supplement program.

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