Friday, November 11, 2011

Post Traumatic Stress Relief

Imagine that you‘ve just gone through one of the most stressful times of your life. Maybe you were diagnosed with a serious illness, went through a divorce, lost a loved one in death, been through an inappropriate sexual experience or experienced some other tragedy or life changing event. If these scenarios haven’t occurred in your life, maybe you’ve been under some other type of chronic stress for some time. You don’t sleep well, your stomach is upset, you feel anxious and unhappy more often than you’d like. No matter the cause, stress will leave its mark. How do we go on with our lives?

Many underestimate the powerful ability of stress to alter your state of mind, well-being and over-all health. When I went through a stressful event, I thought that eating well and taking my vitamins more regularly would do the trick and get me back to “normal”. While it’s a good idea to take care of yourself and eat healthy when you’ve gone through a stressful event, the mental and emotional effects stress cannot be ignored. I learned that with Post Traumatic Stress, your brain has been stressed and it can be very difficult to get better, maybe even impossible without help. The trauma you’ve experienced will stay with you until you face it head on. Maybe what has worked for me won’t work for everyone. Here are a few ideas:

1. Admit that you’re not doing so well. Tell someone you trust what’s been bothering you. Think about why the events you went through affected you personally.

2. See a professional if necessary.

3. Exercise with the focus on relaxation and not with your objective on achieving weight loss goals. You can do that later

4. Take advantage of remedies that help with stress reduction. (I bought a nice aromatherapy diffuser).

5. Breathing exercises are very important for reducing anxiety. There is a lot of information on this. Try breathing in slowly and deeply. Exhale with your tongue touching the back of your front teeth. Do this for 5 minutes as often as needed.

6. Of course if you’re a spiritual person, prayer is vital.

7. When you feel better, try to shift the focus off of yourself and back on to helping others and living in the moment. Focus on family, friends and other things you enjoy in life.

Vitamins, Herbs and Glandulars

What are glandulars? Glandulars are different from vitamins and herbs in the sense that they are targeting the endocrine system in particular. Glandulars are often used for improving glandular function in bodies that have been worn out from stress. Glandular therapy involves the use of purified extracts from the secretory endocrine glands from animals. Most commonly, the extracts are drawn from the thyroid and adrenal glands, as well as the thymus, pituitary, pancreas and ovaries. Most of these extracts come from cows, with the exception of pancreatic glandular preparations usually drawn from sheep.

Why Glandulars Work

Evidence has shown that large molecules can and do pass completely intact from the intestinal tract to the bloodstream. In fact, there is further evidence to suggest that your body is able to determine which molecules need to absorb whole, and which can be broken down. So, yes, glandulars can have a positive effect on the body. In essence, the active properties of the glandulars stay active and intact and are not destroyed in the digestive process. This is key to the success of glandular therapy and explains why they help restore hormone function by supporting the health of the adrenal glands themselves.

You may not have noticed glandulars for on the shelves at Health Food Stores. The best brands are available by prescription from practitioners in the field of Natural Health. You may call a chiropractor to see if they carry the brands Standard Process, or other trusted brands. They may recommend an adrenal preparation for you. It is advisable to arrange an appointment to see which recommendations are best for you. Always choose a practitioner who makes you feel comfortable. (Many seem to have their own agenda in some way.) Make sure they aren’t pushy and care about you and your health, so as not to cause you further stress. (You may also want to check for adrenal complex by Standard Process).

Diet, exercise and vitamins also play a part in improving adrenal function. For more support, consider taking 1,000 mg of buffered vitamin C daily with a meal, 25-100 mg of a vitamin B complex a day, and an additional 250 mg of B5 (pantothenic acid) twice a day.

Dr. Susan Lark's Hormone Revolution by Susan M. Lark MD

Those seeking help for specific medical conditions are advised to consult a qualified nutrition therapist, clinical nutritionist, doctor, or equivalent health care professional.
The recommendations given here are intended solely as education and information, and should not be taken as medical advice. Neither myself nor the sources mentioned accept liability for those who choose to self-prescribe.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease either physical or mental.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sauces That Multi-task

If you’ve started to eat healthier, you realize how important good sauces are. A good sauce can make vegetables and even quinoa edible! Sometimes all you have to do is start with a basic sauce, and change it slightly to make it suitable for other meals.

Here’s an example:

Parsley Oil

1 bunch of parsley (leaves only)
¾ cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
A pinch of salt

Pasta Sauce

Blend these ingredients together in a food processor or high-powered blender until very smooth.

This sauce can be used over pasta and vegetables or whatever else your imagination comes up with.

Variation 1: Salad

Spoon a couple tablespoons of parsley oil in a small mixing bowl. Add agave nectar, rice vinegar and a little water. Now you have a salad dressing. Pour over spinach and tomatoes.

Variation 2: Omelet

Let’s say you’ve made a spinach salad with tomatoes the night before and you have some left over with a little dressing. Mix together a couple of eggs, grate some cheese, add a little spinach and tomato salad to the cheese and you’ll have a great tasting omelet.

Having great, simple sauces on hand will help you with your nutritional goals.

Monday, October 24, 2011

What to Mix in Your Fruit and Vegetable Juices

There are three categories of juices here: Fruit, Carrot and Green Juices. If you're unaccustomed to juicing, fruit juices may be your first choice. However, your goal should be to drink a variety of juices, (especially green juices), which are very healing to the body. Fruit juices are typically higher in sugar than vegetable juices. Some natural healthcare practitioners recommend "chewing" or swishing your fresh juice so as to have the sugars digest more slowly. Start with carrot juice combinations as a way to transition to green juices.

Green Pepper
Clean Watermelon Rind


Watermelon (see post on "seeds")

Chlorophyll-The Healer in Greens

Chlorophyll is the chemical formed by the chloroplast cells of green plants. It is at the beginning of the food chain-the plasma of green plants. Without chlorophyll all animal life on earth would become extinct. Amazingly, this 'blood of plants' is structurally similar to hemin, the protein portion of hemoglobin that carries oxygen. The main difference is that chlorophyl is bound by an atom of magnesium whereas hemin is bound by iron. Severely anemic rabbits made a rapid return to normal blood counts once chlorophyll was administered. Somehow the body is able to substitute iron and rebuild the blood. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice elevated blood platelet counts when it was fed to hospitalized patients.

Wheatgrass-The Queen of all Juices

Wheatgrass is a potent juice that is taken in one ounce doses. Although it is part of the 9,000 member family of grasses, which include the grasses on our lawns, wheatgrass and its cousin barley grass, are grown for nutritional purposes. These nutritional grasses are some of our finest sources of chlorophyll, but that's only the beginning. Grasses contain many other important pigments, too. There are carotenoids, betacarotene, etc. They are abundant in vitamin E and other important vitamins.

See my previous post on Chlorophyll and wheatgrass for more information.

Source: Juice Fasting and Detoxification -
Using the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great
The Fastest Way to Restore Your Health
By Steve Meyerowitz


Those seeking help for specific medical conditions are advised to consult a qualified nutrition therapist, clinical nutritionist, doctor, or equivalent health care professional.
The recommendations given here are intended solely as education and information, and should not be taken as medical advice. Neither myself nor the sources mentioned accept liability for those who choose to self-prescribe.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease either physical or mental.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Caffeine – Breaking the Habit

If you want to be in tip-top mental health, stay away from stimulants. This is doubly important for those with mental health problems because too much caffeine can, in some, produce symptoms that may lead to a diagnosis of a mental illness. This may happen because high caffeine consumers can become both allergic to coffee and unable to detoxify caffeine. The total effect is serious disruption of both mind and mood.

Giving Up Stimulants

Coffee contains three stimulants: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Although caffeine is the strongest, theophylline is known to disturb normal sleep patterns, and theobromine has a similar effect to caffeine, although it is present in much smaller amounts in coffee. So, decaffeinated coffee isn’t exactly stimulant free. As a Nutritional Consultant I have seen many people cleared of minor health problems such as tiredness and headaches just from cutting out their 2-3 cups of coffee a day. The best way to find out what effect it has on you is quit for a trial period of two weeks. You may get withdrawal symptoms for up to three days. These reflect how addicted you’ve become. After this, if you begin to feel perky and your health improves, that’s a good indicator you’re better off without coffee. The most popular alternatives are: Teeccino, Caro Extra, Bambu, or herb teas.

Tea is the great British addiction. A cup of strong tea contains as much caffeine as regular coffee and is certainly addictive. Tea also contains tannin, which interferes with the absorption of certain minerals such as iron and zinc. Particularly addictive is Earl Grey tea containing bergamot, itself a stimulant. If you’re addicted to tea and can’t get going without a cup, it may be time to stop for two weeks and see how you feel. The best-tasting alternatives are Rooibos tea with milk and herbal or fruit teas. Drinking very weak tea from time to time is unlikely to be a problem.

Chocolate bars are usually full of sugar. Cocoa, th active ingredient in chocolate provides significant quantities of the stimulant theobromine, whose action is similar to caffeine. Theobromine is also obtained in cocoa drinks like hot chocolate. As chocolate is high in sugar and stimulants, and delicious as well, it’s east to become a chocoholic. The best way to quit the habit is to go one month with no chocolate. Instead, eat healthy sweets from health food shops that are sugar free and don’t contain chocolate. After a month you will have lost the craving.

Changing any food habit can be stressful in itself, so it’s best not to quit everything in one go. A good strategy is to avoid something for a month, then see how you feel. One way to greatly reduce the cravings for foods you’ve become addicted to is by having an excellent diet. Since all stimulants affect blood sugar levels, you can keep yours even by always having something substantial for breakfast, such as an oat-based, not too refined cereal; unsweetened live yogurt with a banana, ground sesame seeds, and wheat germ; or an egg. You can snack frequently on fresh fruit. The worst thing you can do is go for hours without eating. Vitamins and minerals are important too, because they help regulate your blood sugar level and hence your appetite. They also minimize the effects of withdrawal from stimulants and the symptoms of food allergy. The key nutrients are vitamin C, the B complex vitamins, especially B6 and the minerals calcium, magnesium, and chromium. Fresh fruit and vegetables provide significant amounts of vitamin c and B vitamins, while vegetables and seeds such as sunflower seeds and sesame are good sources of calcium and magnesium. For maximum effect, however, it is best to supplement these vitamins as well as eat foods rich in them.

Natural Stimulants

If you still need a boost, especially during the first week off caffeine, you can do it the natural way. The body makes adrenaline and its cousins the “feel-good” neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenaline, directly from an amino acid called tyrosine. Supplementing 1,000 mg of tyrosine on an empty stomach or with some carbohydrate such as a piece of fruit, gives a positive lift. This is well worth it in the week you’re quitting caffeine. It's best to consult with a Natural Health Care Practitioner when you are addressing neurotransmitter deficiencies.

In addition to tyrosine there are a number of “adaptogenic” herbs. These include Asian ginseng, Siberian ginseng, reishi mushrooms, and rhodiola. While rhodiola is a favorite in Siberia, reishi mushroom is one of the most respected tonics in Chinese medicine. In Asia, it has been revered for as long as five thousand years. These herbs are called adaptogens because they help even out and maintain normal levels of another energy-giving adrenal hormone called cortisol. These are all available as herbal supplements and you can find them combined with tyrosine.

My Experience

I was addicted to coffee a few years ago. Even now, it's easy for me to get hooked again. All it takes is one cup of coffee and I'm likely to drink it again the next day. The only substitute that has worked for me is white peony tea which I drink every morning. It has health benefits, and it's lower in caffeine than black tea. Check out the mountain rose herbs link if you'd like fresh, dried organic white tea shipped to you. You'll find white tea under black or green tea on the tea page.

A few simple steps you can take to reduce your intake of and addiction to stimulants and balance your blood sugar

 Avoid sugar and foods containing sugar.

 Break your addiction to caffeine by avoiding coffee, tea and caffeinated drinks for one month, while improving your diet. Once you’re no longer craving caffeine, the occasional cup of weak tea or very occasional coffee is not a big deal.

 Break your addiction to chocolate. Once you’re no longer craving it, the occasional piece of chocolate is not a problem. Choose the dark, lower sugar kind of chocolate.

 Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner—choosing low GL foods—plus two fruit snacks in between.

 Take a high-strength multivitamin, plus 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day and 200mcg of chromium.

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

Source: The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford

Those seeking help for specific medical conditions are advised to consult a qualified nutrition therapist, clinical nutritionist, doctor, or equivalent health care professional.
The recommendations given here are intended solely as education and information, and should not be taken as medical advice. Neither myself nor the sources mentioned accept liability for those who choose to self-prescribe.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease either physical or mental.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Series: Optimal Hormone Balance--Stress and Hormonal Health

Stress and Hormone Balance

Some of the hormones involved in adapting to stress are adrenaline, cortisol and DHA. Most people have heard of the “flight or fight” response to stressors and how this affects the body. Hormones are released in response to stressful situations or states of stress. Stress can cause your hormonal system to go haywire. This happens because when you are constantly under stress, you are literally wearing your body out! Prolonged stress is associated with speeding up the aging process, with a number of the diseases of digestion, and with hormone balance. A very profound statement is, “Any body system that is overstimulated will eventually malfunction.”


If you are living off of coffee, a high-sugar diet, or stress itself, you increase your risk of upsetting your thyroid balance ( which means you’re likely to gain weight) or calcium balance (resulting in arthritis) or of getting problems associated with sex-hormone imbalances and excessive cortisol. These are the long-term side effects of being stressed out all of the time. One way to reduce your stress levels is to reduce your intake of sugar and stimulants. The more dependent on stimulants you are, the more your blood sugar levels will fluctuate, with low blood sugar levels triggering the release of adrenal hormones. This means that just having a sugary diet and unbalanced blood sugar levels can put your body into the stress-response mode. Everyday stress plus coffee, and a high sugar diet is a recipe for ruining your hormonal system.

Irregular Periods

If your periods are either absent of irregular and you’re not in menopause or pregnant, it is worth checking out the cause. Absent or irregular periods are associated with low weight, strenuous exercise, anorexia nervosia, taking the contraceptive pill, or extreme stress. Extreme stress can lead to either missed periods or more frequent periods. (Follow the dietary recommendations given in this article).

Stress and Estrogen Dominance

The hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle estrogen and progesterone can be skewed by stress. The balance between estrogen and progesterone is critical. Stress can interfere with your ability to ovulate, thereby blocking progesterone function and pushing further into estrogen dominance. If a woman does not ovulate, no progesterone is produced during that cycle. This is because progesterone is produced in the sac that contains the ovum, once the ovum is released. If no progesterone is produced there is relative estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and PMS.

Learn about how the pill eliminates ovulation at under "Withdrawl bleeding."

Diet Tips for Hormonal Health:

• Keep animal fats very low in your diet.

• Choose organic vegetables and meat whenever possible to reduce pesticide and hormone exposure.

• Don’t eat fatty foods wrapped in PVC cling film.

• Use stimulants such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and sugar only on occasion, if at all. If you’re addicted to any of these, break the habit.

• Do not let stress become a habit in your life. Identify sources of stress and make some positive changes to your circumstances and the way you react to them.

• Make sure you’re getting enough essential fats from seeds, their oils, or supplements of evening primrose, borage or flax oil.

• Make sure your supplement program includes optimal levels of vitamins B3, and B6, biotin, magnesium and zinc. (see Wellness Resources Vitamins link on this page for a good quality multi-vitamin)

• If you have PMS or menopausal symptoms, consider taking a hormone –friendly supplement containing extra vitamins B3, B6, and C, and biotin, magnesium, and zinc, and/or the herbs agnus castus, dong quai, black cohosh, and St. John’s Wart.

• Natural Progesterone is available on prescription should a saliva test reveal a need for supplementation.

Daily Energy Mutiple Vitamin


Balance Your Hormones Naturally by Kate Neil and Patrick Holford
The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford
Dr. Susan Lark’s Hormone Revolution by Susan M. Lark, MD

The article presented here is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice. This information has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether mental or physical. Please see a licensed health care practitioner for medical concerns. If you have medical concerns, you may consult your doctor before beginning a supplement program.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Quick and Healthy Meal Ideas

Since I like to eat healthy, I find it frustrating when I’m at a loss for recipe ideas. When you consider that most whole foods must be chopped fresh or cooked ahead of time, it helps to prepare at least some ingredients ahead of time. Below are some do-ahead tips so you can put together quick healthy meals in a few minutes for a main meal or side dish. You’ll need some good glass storage containers with lids if possible.

 Pre-cook brown rice, quinoa
 Quarter and steam small potatoes
 Make some hard-boiled eggs
 Chicken, other organic meats
 Spaghetti sauce
 Home-made salad dressing
 A variety of beans

Here’s one of my salad recipes. It won’t leave you feeling hungry!

Potatoes and Field Greens Salad with Herbed Dijon

You‘ll need: Pre-cooked potatoes, chopped hard-boiled eggs, chopped bacon, (optional), and cherry tomatoes

Add more vegetables like French green beans and artichokes for variety.
Rinse and spin dry the salad greens. Place all of the above ingredients atop the salad with a little Himalayan salt and fresh ground pepper.

Herbed Dijon

1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1 tbsp. real maple syrup
1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. rice vinegar
2 tbsp. water
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
Blend thoroughly in a high-speed blender or food processor.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Series: Optimal Hormone Balance--Heavy Menstrual Bleeding


Bioflavonoids are classified under phytochemicals. Researchers have discovered many benefits to these biological compounds found in food. They affect health as significantly as vitamins and minerals although they’re not classified as nutrients. As they’re not stored in the body, it is advisable to eat foods rich in phytochemicals on a regular basis. Over a hundred phytochemicals have been identified, some of which act as antioxidants, immune system boosters and hormone stabilizers. In this section we’ll focus on the latter.

Bioflavonoids are often used to help balance hormone levels. They can normalize estrogen balance bringing excessively high estrogen down to more normal levels. They also bind to estrogen receptor sites in the uterus and breasts, blocking your body’s own high-octane estrogen from doing damage.

Reducing Heavy Bleeding

Some studies have shown that bioflavonoids, in combination with vitamin C, also help to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding in transitioning menopausal women, as well as women suffering from bleeding due to fibroid tumors. According to a study from the Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, flavonoids not only reduce heavy menstrual bleeding but also ease menstrual cramps. Of the 36 women who took 1,000 mg a day of a flavonoid-based nutritional supplement for just under 12 months, 70 percent of them experienced a 50 percent reduction in their bleeding, and the duration of the bleeding was one-third less. Seventy-five percent saw a reduction in the severity of their menstrual cramps.

Suggested Supplements:

Try supplementing 1,000-2,000 mg of citrus bioflavonoids per day. In addition to the citrus variety, quercetin and rutin also have anti-estrogen properties. Rutin has been shown to be particularly effective in strengthening capillaries and reducing menstrual bleeding.

Dr. Susan Lark’s Hormone Revolution by Susan M. Lark, MD with Kimberly Day
The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford

This information has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended as medical advice, nor to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. Please see a qualified licensed health care professional for medical concerns. Consult your doctor before beginning a nutritional supplement program.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Asthma, Insulin and Digestive Health

Oxygen is our most vital nutrient. Therefore anything that interferes with our ability to breathe normally merits our attention. Most of us breathe shallowly, and use only a third of our lung capacity. Deeper breathing energizes the body. Most exercises aren’t designed to help us to breathe properly so we get out of breath. Oxygen deficiencies allow toxic substances to build up generating tension in the body. If you feel exhausted or stiff after exercising, something is unbalanced in your exercise program.

A fresh supply of oxygenated blood is vital to the functioning of every organ in the body. Therefore it’s important to spend time each day doing exercises that relax and oxygenate the entire body. Exercises that combine breath with movement can achieve this result. I like to do Pilates exercises.


Pesticide exposure is linked to asthma, eczema, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome and rhinitis. We are exposed to pesticides in our food, in our homes via pest control, as well as in the wider environment, especially if we live near agricultural areas. This is another reason to eat only organically grown foods.


There are several reasons why a person becomes food allergic. Among these are lack of digestive enzymes, leaky gut, frequent exposure to foods containing irritant chemicals, immune deficiency, leading to hypersensitivity of the immune system, microorganism imbalance in the gut leading to leaky gut syndrome, and the balance of bacteria and yeast in the gut. These tests can be done at home (see Lab tests).

As well as identifying and avoiding foods that cause a reaction, in order to allow the gut and the immune system to calm down there is a lot you can do to reduce your allergic potential.

• Digestive enzyme complexes that help digest fat, protein, and carbohydrate (lipase, amylase, and protease) are well worth trying. Since stomach acid and protein-digesting enzymes rely on zinc and B6, it may be helpful to take 15 mg of zinc and 50mg of B6 with a meal twice a day with digestive enzymes.
• Leaky guts can heal. Cell membranes are made out of fat-like compounds. One such fatty acid—butyric acid—helps to heal the gut wall. The ideal daily dose is
• 1,200 mg a day. Vitamin A is also crucial for the health of any mucous membrane including the gut wall. Having five grams of glutamine powder in water before bed also helps to heal the gut.
• Beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidobacteria can also help calm down a reactive digestive tract and reduce allergic potential.
• Boosting your immune system also helps to reduce any hypersensitivity it may have.

More advice and supplements for asthma

Often attacks of asthma are brought on by underlying allergies, stressful events, or changes in environmental conditions like the weather. Vitamin A helps to protect the lining of the lungs, while vitamin C helps deal with environmental toxins. Antioxidant nutrients and essential fats are also anti-inflammatory.


• 2 x multivitamin and mineral formula
• 2 x antioxidant complex
• 2 x vitamin C 1,000 mg
• 2 x essential omega-3 and omega-6 oil capsules
• Calcium/magnesium formula ratio 2:1, and up to 1,500 mg extra magnesium

You may order the above supplements from There are other companies that also provide high-quality supplements. This is where I purchase my vitamins. Please find the wellness resources link on this page, and follow to place an order. Thanks!

Please read more about this topic in the book The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet by Felicia Drury Kliment which is the one source for the above information.

Source: The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford

Also, see,,, a respitory health supplement, and Histablock),, (quercetin info.)Books: Digestive Enzymes a Woodland Health Series,

Wellness Resources

Disclaimer: These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. Please consult your licensed health care practitioner for medical advice and concerns.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Series: Optimal Hormone Balance--Estrogen Dominance

What Is Estrogen Dominance?

Women will experience hormonal changes throughout their lives. Many of us think of these changes as occurring at only two significant life stages- adolescence and menopause. Women in their mid- to late-30’s and 40’s will have a major shift in their hormonal life. Some women simply produce fewer and fewer sex hormones, (DHEA, progesterone, androstenedione, testosterone, and estrogen). However most will experience hormonal fluctuations, usually marked by normal to excess estrogen and decreased progesterone. This is known as estrogen dominance and often marks premenopause.

It’s important not to dismiss estrogen dominance as a trivial hormonal imbalance. It can lead to serious and life threatening health problems if left unaddressed. Some of the complications may involve: fibroid tumors, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, heavy menstrual bleeding, benign breast disease, hyperplasia and uterine cancer.

Are You Estrogen Dominant?

The following is a checklist to help you determine if you are estrogen dominant. If you anwered yes to four or more of these questions, you are very likely in estrogen dominance.

 Are you over age 35?
 Do you suffer from PMS?
 Do you have heavy, irregular periods?
 Do you suffer from anxiety, irritability, and mood swings?
 Have you gained more than 10 pounds?
 Do you have noticeable cellulite?
 Do you have puffiness around your eyes and face?
 Do you have a decreased interest in sex?
 Are you experiencing sleep difficulties?
 Are you retaining fluids?
 Are you having headaches?
 Do you have bouts of brain fog—forgetting your car keys, your friend’s first name, or the point of a text you recently studied?
 Have you recently discovered cysts in your breasts?
 Have you been told you have fibroid tumors?
 Do you have symptoms of endometriosis?
 Have you been diagnosed with hyperplasia or endometrial cancer?
 Have you been diagnosed with ovarian cysts?

If you answered yes to many of these questions, you may like to get your hormone levels tested.

Tip of the Day:

Saliva Hormone Tests

Like blood, saliva closely mirrors hormone levels in your body’s tissues. However, saliva is the preferred test for determining free hormone vs. bound in the body. This is important since only free hormones are active, which means that they affect the hormone sensitive tissues in the body.

Saliva testing is easy, stress-free and non-invasive. If you think saliva testing is right for you consider consulting your physician. Having your doctor order the test has two advantages: The profile is more extensive and your insurance may cover the cost. If your doctor doesn’t have a preference for labs, you may like to us Geneva Diagnostics, ( or 800-522-4762 as well as ZRT Laboratory ( or 866-600-1636). If your doctor is unable to order a test for you, you could take a home saliva test from Aeron Laboratories ( or 800-631-7900).

Dr. Susan Larks's Hormone Revolution by Susan M. Lark M.D.

The opinions given here have not been approved by the FDA or the author of the aforementioned book. This information is not intended as medical advice nor to treat, diagnose or cure any disease and is for entertainment purposes only. If you have any health concerns, please consult a licensed health care professional. Please consult your doctor before beginning a supplement program.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Series: Optimal Hormone Balance—Foods to Promote Estrogen Balance

Keep Your Liver Healthy

Your liver detoxifies harmful substances. Much of what goes into the body must be broken down and changed from harmful substances to harmless ones. The liver is able to recognize millions of such chemicals, transform them or prepare them for elimination.

How the Body Detoxifies

The body processes toxins in the liver using different chemical pathways. Some of these pathways are the glutathione conjugation, sulfation, glucuronidation, and glycine conjugation pathways. These avenues of detoxification convert caffeine, asprin, into harmless substances. These different pathways rely on different nutrients to work properly. While many substances processed by the liver come from outside the body, others come from within. An example of this is estrogen.

Estrogen and the Liver

Estrogens can be toxic in their free form in the body. Therefore they must be converted into non-toxic weaker estrogens or other substances. The sulfation and glucuronidation pathways are involved in breaking down estrogen. What can help or deter this process from working optimally? The breakdown of estrogen is helped by certain nutrients found in simple foods. Estrogen metabolism is weakened by substances such as alcohol or caffeine that hinder the liver’s ability to work properly.

DIM and Estrogen Metabolism

Diindolymethane or DIM is a plant-compound found in Brassica veggies such as broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels Sprouts. Researchers have found that this compound is very beneficial in promoting estrogen metabolism. While DIM is not an estrogen mimic, its pathway exactly coincides with the metabolic pathway of estrogen. When these pathways intersect, DIM favorably adjusts the estrogen metabolic pathways by increasing good estrogen metabolites and decreasing bad ones. The idea is to have your estrogen go through the healthy pathway instead of the unhealthy one. DIM is available as a supplement or you can consume more of the foods above to ensure proper estrogen detoxification.

Tip of the Day:

Eat more cruciferous vegetables.

• Broccoli
• Brussels Sprouts
• Cabbage
• Caulifower
• Cress
• Horseradish
• Kale
• Kohlrabi
• Mustard
• Radishes
• Turnips
• Strawberries
• Raspeberries

Try to eat a variety of these vegetables on a regular basis in your diet. Foods containing indoles also have anti-cancer benefits.

The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford
Dr. Susan Lark's Hormone Revolution by Susan M. Lark M.D.

The opinions given here have not been endorsed by the FDA or the author of the aforementioned book. This information is not intended as medical advice and is for entertainment purposes only. If you have any health concerns, please consult a licensed health care professional. Please consult your doctor before beginning a supplement program.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Series: Optimal Hormone Balance

Many women suffer from PMS and hormone related health issues throughout their lives. Unfortunately, we don’t always clearly understand hormones and how they work. This lack of knowledge has led some women to seek unnatural remedies to common imbalances. For example, you may know of someone who has taken birth control pills for alleviating menstrual cramps. Aren’t birth control pills for preventing pregnancy? And how do birth control pills prevent pregnancy? Chances are we haven’t investigated this thoroughly up until now. Birth control pills mimic progesterone in the body but they are often made with progestin. Progestin isn’t a natural hormone. In fact, if you want, just look at the back of a birth control pill advertisement in a magazine and you’ll be surprised at all of the potential side effects they pose. I personally haven’t taken the pill for about 11 years now and my health has improved. I stopped taking the pill when my Candida symptoms became out of control. I feel that my eyesight changed from perfect to blurry after having taken the pill for about 6 months. (Of course, I don’t advise anyone to discontinue medications without a doctor’s consent).

My interest was sparked in this topic was when I read a newsletter based on the book Dr. Susan Lark’s Hormone Revolution. Dr. Lark has extensively studied hormone health and as a medical doctor she highlights natural solutions to hormone woes. I highly recommend her book to anyone who feels their health concerns are related to an underlying hormonal imbalance. I will be using information from her book as well as from other sources to present this series on hormone balance. I’ll be sharing advice for all ages of women along with helpful natural supplements. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Natural Remedies for PMS/Menstrual Cramps

EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) are beneficial for reducing menstrual cramps. EFAs are effective for a wide range of estrogen-dominant related conditions, but they are most commonly praised for their effectiveness in easing cramps. A study from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology looked at 42 girls between the ages of 15 and 18 years, all of whom had experienced significant menstrual pain during their periods. The girls who took 1,080 mg of EPA and 720 mg of DHA every day for two months enjoyed a significant decrease in pain due to menstrual cramps. No change was reported in the placebo group. Additionally, the amount of pain killers taken by the girls during their periods decreased by more than 50 percent during the time they were taking fish oil supplements as compared to the placebo group.

Flax for Stimulating Ovulation

The two best sources of EFAs are flaxseed and fish oil. In the case of flaxseed both the oil and the ground seeds are rich in EFAs. Plus, flax has been proven to support progesterone production. A research study was done by the University of Minnesota on 18 women with normal menstrual cycles. The women took 10 grams of ground flaxseed per day in addition to their normal diet. The women who ate flaxseed had more cycles where ovulation occurred, (necessary for hormone balance), than those who didn’t consume flax. Ground flaxseed was also found to improve the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio, favoring the levels of progesterone in the body. The researchers noted that the flax was converted into prostaglandins, which are necessary for ovulation to occur.

Today’s tip:

If you can tolerate ground flaxseeds or cold-pressed flax oil, try adding 1-2 tablespoons of oil per day or 4-6 tablespoons of ground flaxseed per day.

Flax Facts

1. The lignans in flax are weak phytoestrogens that help modulate estrogen production.
2. The fiber assists the intestines in the excretion of excess estrogen, once it has been inactivated by the liver.
3. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are converted into series 1 and 3 prostaglandins to help with progesterone production.

If you can’t handle flax, you can get your EFAs through fish oil. If fish is oil is your preference, I suggest taking 3-6 capsules that contain at least 300 mg DHA and 200 mg EPA every day.

If you’d like to give flax a try, it goes well in yogurt, smoothies and in cereal. I prefer it in yogurt.

Dr. Susan Lark’s Hormone Revolution by Susan M. Lark MD with Kimberly Day

The opinions given here have not been endorsed by the FDA or the author of the aforementioned book. This information is not intended as medical advice and is for entertainment purposes only. If you have any health concerns, please consult a licensed health care professional. Please consult your doctor before beginning a supplement program.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Raw Food Kitchen Basics

Rejuvelac/Sprouted Beverages

One basic of the raw food kitchen is rejuvelac, a fermented wheat beverage that raw foodists believe imparts great health benefits. It has a tart, lemony flavor; and because it’s fermented, it’s slightly carbonated, too.

If you want to get more vitamins naturally, you may want to learn how to make sprouts at home and enzyme rich drinks such as this one. I make rejuvelac for the naturally occurring acidophilus to help improve digestion. Another way to get probiotics is to make kefir. You could probably get kefir grains from your local health food store. Sprouts and sprouted beverages are very easy to make. You just need the right tools which are usually simple containers. This beverage takes about four days to make. Two days are needed for rinsing and sprouting and two days for fermenting.
Here’s what you’ll need for rejuvelac:

1. A one gallon jar with a wide mouth such as a large mason jar used for canning
2. Spring wheat berries or rye
3. Filtered water
4. Cheesecloth
5. Large rubber bands

Fill the jar about one-quarter full with the wheat berries, and then fill the jar with filtered water. Cover the jar with the cheesecloth securing it around the top of the jar with one or two thick rubber bands. Let the berries soak overnight or at least eight hours. Drain the berries, rinse them and then drain them again. (Now you have an idea of how to make sprouts too)

Place the jar upside down at an angle so that water can drain and air can circulate. The wheat berries should have a slight fermented smell but not moldy or too sour if they are being properly drained.

Rinse the wheat berries twice a day. After about two days, they will begin to sprout. When that happens, rinse and drain the berries once more, thoroughly. Fill the jar once more to the top with water and the sprouts soak for 48 hours or about two days. During that time, the liquid will ferment and become rejuvelac. Transfer the rejuvelac to a jar or juice pitcher and refrigerate.

Although this drink is healthy for digestion and the problems associated with wheat sensitivity are greatly reduced by sprouting, (think, sprouted breads and tortillas), it’s not recommended for anyone with severe wheat allergies or celiac. Maybe you could make a similar drink with a gluten-free grain such as quinoa if you’d to try it out.

Growing Wheatgrass

If you'd like to know how to make wheat grass, here's one of my favorite sites: Here you'll find all sorts of organic sprouting seeds. There are wheat grass juicers, and other varieties at I can order products from this site and have them shipped to you for free depending on where you live. Thanks!

Reference: The Complete Book of Raw Food by Lori Baird

Disclaimer: These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. Please consult your licensed health care practitioner for medical advice and concerns.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Self-Healing and Detoxification- A Whole-Person Approach

When my doctor told me I had Candida Albicans, I knew there wasn’t going to be a quick solution to this problem. Although, I took the prescription, in time, my symptoms worsened and I felt that I was completely on my own to resolve this issue. You see, I’ve had yeast-related issues almost my whole life! I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in my teen years based on symptoms of chronic fatigue and pain. Yeast over-growth was never guessed as the cause of my fatigue. That amounts to a many years of living with an ongoing fungal infection and not knowing why. Imagine the havoc wreaked on my immune system as I struggled to understand why I was so exhausted and had many infections. Trying to figure out why I was sick and what to do about was a HUGE challenge. On the way to improving my health, I discovered that getting better required more than following a list of “do’s” and “don’ts”. So I read and read until I could finally put into practice some of the wonderful things I had learned. What I learned is that developing certain personal qualities is vital if you want to succeed in improving your health. The following information is to motivate those who think they could feel better, lose weight or reach their goals through education and personal efforts.

Taking Care of Basics

Some mystery symptoms are improved when the ‘basics’ are addressed. What are the basics that all of us have a measure of control over in our lives? We are responsible for the quality and quantity our food and water intake. We can’t avoid stress but will we learn how to manage it? We can view sleep as necessary for health or unnecessary. Are we sedentary or active?

How we think about the ‘basics’ is very important and will have a cause and effect on our total health and well-being. Why? Because, if we feel that we are responsible for ourselves, we will take the initiative to take care of ourselves. If not, we may find that our health deteriorates and we are at the mercy of our families, meds, and doctors to take care of us. (Of course, sometimes we don’t have any control over our health, and if we need help, we shouldn’t feel bad about accepting it).
Our attitude can work against us or help us as we try to accomplish our goals for optimal health. Here are a few tips:

1. Be Positive

Even if you are very sick, you can cultivate an optimistic outlook. If you are gloomy and negative, it will only make everything seem worse and you won’t be motivated to do anything. After all “it won’t do any good”. So try to fight this tendency by starting each day telling yourself that you will stop yourself from saying or thinking anything that reflects a pessimistic outlook. If you’ve been inclined toward negativity for years, it will take a while to rid yourself of this habit but it’s worth the effort.

2. Be Diligent

Many people hold back from getting healthier because they are overwhelmed by the amount of work it will take to get better. It’s important not to have a don’t-care attitude when it comes to our health. Taking care of ourselves shouldn’t be relegated to others. As long as we are able to, we should put forth great effort to keep ourselves well in a balanced way.

3. Create the Right Environment

If you don’t want to eat sugary foods, don’t buy them! If you don’t want to drink coffee, don’t go to coffee shops. If you want to avoid alcohol, get it out of your cupboards, and out of your house. Go to whatever lengths necessary to create an environment for success. Don’t underestimate how strongly addicted you can be to caffeine, sugar and alcohol. No excuses!!!

4. Be Honest

When my yeast symptoms were out of control, I had to ask: Am I contributing in some way to making my symptoms worse? Realizing that the yeast problem (along with the emotional and mental effects) would continue as long as I was consuming sugar, I had to be honest and admit that if I continued taking in sugar, my yeast issues would not go away. I couldn’t rely on someone else’s opinion to help me; neither could I imagine that taking supplements while continuing my bad habits would accomplish anything good on a long-term basis. To this day, my symptoms are guaranteed to return if I go back to my old eating habits. Being dishonest will cause you to attribute your symptoms to secondary or unrelated causes so that you can feel free to continue the damaging behavior.

Keeping a food/drink journal is a good first step in taking an honest look at what you’re consuming on a daily basis. You may find that the one candy bar a week is actually 4! Or the one or two drinks you have occasionally are more than that.

5. Be Resourceful

What resources are available to you? There are books, the internet, your ability to reason, and the experiences of others who may have faced something similar with their health. Ask questions and you’ll find answers. Get professional help if you find it too difficult to do it on your own.

6. Be Willing to Fail

Once you’ve resolved to take steps to improve your health, you may fail to reach your goals in the beginning. When this happens, try again and keep trying until your new habits are established. It takes time to get used to doing things differently. If my routine is disrupted it’s more difficult to eat the right foods, and at times I feel like a failure, but I keep trying. At least once you’ve proven to yourself that when you took care of yourself in the past and you felt better, you’ll be motivated to get back to good habits.

7. Don’t Give Up

Even when things seem hopeless, it’s good to keep an open mind. Be open to the possibility that you haven’t considered everything yet. That’s why there are “second opinions”. If second opinions haven’t helped, try a different approach. Maybe you could visit a naturopathic doctor who can provide comprehensive lab tests to compliment conventional tests. If you have any questions about available tests, please notice the book, 7-Day Detox Miracle by Peter Bennett, N.D., and Stephen Barrie, N.D. with Sara Faye, under “Sources” below.

The Purpose of Detoxification

In addition to some of the tips above, it’s practical to consider detoxification as a means to get healthier. It works with your body’s natural detoxification processes to improve all functions of the body.

The primary aim of a detoxification program is to clean the blood. Changing and optimizing the diet and stimulating circulation encourage the organs of the immune system to filter the blood. In order for our bodies to function optimally, our cells must be healthy. When our blood is clean and filtering properly, our cellular health is improved. In order to have a healthy body, our cells must be strong and protected as much as possible.

We’ll focus more on detoxification in future articles along with supplements for improving cellular health. If you enjoyed this blog, please pass it on to your friends and relatives. Thank you.

If you have any questions, please email me at My website is:

7-Day Detox Miracle – Revitalize Your Mind and Body with This Safe and Effective Life-Enhancing Program by Peter Bennett, N.D, and Stephen Barrie, N.D., with Sara Faye; available at

These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. This information is for entertainment purposes only. Please do not attempt to self-diagnose or treat an illness. Please see your doctor for all medical concerns.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Calming Inflammation

A friend asked me recently if there’s something that can be done for stomach and intestinal inflammation. Of course, whether something can help depends on the reason for the problem. If it’s nothing too serious, there are a few natural remedies to try. These are a couple that not everyone knows about…. Yet
The following information is taken from under alternative medicine. I’ve used this remedy for my stomach from time to time.

What is Castor Oil?

Castor oil has a long history of traditional medical use dating back to ancient Egypt. Castor oil is derived from the castor bean (Ricinus communis. Although it was once taken orally as a laxative, it's now known to be toxic and is used only externally over unbroken skin. It should only be used after consulting a health care professional.

What is a Castor Oil Pack?

A castor oil pack involves the use of cloth soaked in castor oil which is placed on the skin. It's used by some alternative practitioners to enhance circulation and to promote the healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. Alternative practitioners also use it to improve liver function, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and to improve digestion.

How is a Castor Oil Pack Made?

Castor oil packs are made by soaking a piece of flannel in castor oil and placing it on the skin. The flannel is covered with a sheet of plastic, and then a hot water bottle is placed over the plastic to heat the pack.
A castor oil pack can be placed on the following body regions:
• The right side of the abdomen. Castor oil packs are sometimes recommended by alternative practitioners as part of a liver detox program.

• Inflamed and swollen joints, bursitis, and muscle strains.

• The abdomen to relieve constipation and other digestive disorders.

• The lower abdomen in cases of menstrual irregularities and uterine and ovarian cysts.


Castor oil should not be taken internally. It should not be applied to broken skin. It should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or during menstruation.

Far Infrared Heating Pads

I first learned of infrared technology from a book about acid-alkaline balance and acidic wastes by Felicia Drury Clement. This is a safe form of electromagnetic energy that is free of radiation. Far infrared technology uses waves of natural infrared light for health and pain relief. Alternative practitioners have recommended this technology for help with breaking down acidic wastes in the body. An infrared heating pad could provide inflammation relief. The following information is taken from I’ve seen a brand called Therasage on for heating pads.
Nikken Far-Infrared Technology is based on the ability of certain specialized materials to absorb energy and then release it in a selective manner.
All matter is capable to some degree of absorbing energy, including energy in those wavelengths where it is expressed in the form of heat. All matter will also reach a point of saturation and release the excess into the surrounding environment.
The ceramic fibers used in Far-Infrared Technology are exceptional in that energy is released only as far-infrared waves, that is, only within the far-infrared portion of the energy spectrum. Even though it is capable of accepting energy at almost every wavelength, the fibers translate the reflected product into output in the far-infrared range.

For more information please contact me:

Disclaimer: This information has not been approved by the FDA and is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for any medical concerns.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Healing Power of Chlorophyll

The ‘blood’ of Plants

Chlorophyll is at the beginning of the food chain. Without chlorophyll all animal life on earth would become extinct. Why is chlorophyll necessary for humans? Interestingly, this ‘blood’ of plants is structurally similar to hemin, the protein portion of hemoglobin that carries oxygen through the body. The main difference between chlorophyll and hemin is that the latter is bound by an atom of iron, while chlorophyll is bound by magnesium. Severely anemic rabbits made a rapid return to normal blood counts once chlorophyll was administered. * Somehow the body is able to substitute iron and rebuild the blood, in effect giving the anemic patient a “transfusion”. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice elevated blood platelet counts when it was fed to hospitalized patients. #

Wound Healing

Chlorophyll has long been famous for its ability to heal ulcerated wounds. It has been used for healing bleeding gums, canker sores, trench mouth, pyorrhea, gingivitis, even sore throat. Unlike many drugs chlorophyll has never been found to be toxic at any dose.

What is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is a popular juice available in juice bars and natural food stores nationwide. Unlike common vegetable juices, it is taken in one ounce “shots”. Wheatgrass and barley grass are grown especially for nutritional purposes. These grasses are some of our finest sources of chlorophyll, but that’s only the beginning. They are abundant in carotenoids, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

Barley Grass’ Super Anti-oxidant

Dr. T Shibamoto of the University of California discovered a powerful, new antioxidant in barley grass called 2”-0-GIV. According to Shibamoto, 2”-0-GIV is more potent than vitamins E and C but when taken with them, the effects are profound. Barley grass has all three nutrients in good quantity.
When we drink fresh plant-based juices we can benefit from a wide range of vitamins that have yet to be discovered by science. This is why some people choose to supplement their diet with fresh juices rather than vitamins in pill form.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Both wheat and barley grass are abundant, inexpensive sources of superoxide dismutase (SOD). This powerful anti-oxidant and anti-aging enzyme is a proven anti-inflammatory or arthritis, edema, bursitis and gout.

Why Drink Wheatgrass

• Purifies and Rebuilds Blood
• Increases Hemoglobin Production
• Alkalinizes Blood
• Cleanses the Colon
• Purges the Liver
• Neutralizes Toxins
• Oxygenates Cells
• Heals Wounds
• Is Bacteriostatic
• Detoxifies Cellular Fluids
• Heals Intestinal Walls
• Raises Enzyme Activity
• Chelates Heavy Metals
• May Protect from Low-level Radiation

How to Take Wheatgrass

Juicing wheatgrass at home requires a wheatgrass juicer. Only certain juicers can extract juice from its woody pulp. I purchased a Samson 6 in 1 juicer a few years ago so that I could juice grasses. Samson now has an advanced model that does a better job with wheatgrass or if your budget allows, you could opt for the Green Power twin gear juicer which is even better in some respects.

Always drink any kind of grass on an empty stomach and wait 30-45 minutes before drinking anything solid. Wheatgrass has a strong cleansing effect on the digestive tract. If you take too much you may find yourself running to the bathroom. The secret to drinking wheatgrass is to gradually increase the dose until you become accustomed to it. If it’s too strong tasting, you can dilute it with other juices such as celery or other green vegetables.

Samson Advanced Wheatgrass Juicer Ivory $259.00

If you have any questions about other models of juicers, please let me know. I can help you choose a juicer based on your nutrition goals and needs. I have other types, colors and models available. As I mentioned, my juicer is a version of this one that is a little cheaper at $229.00. I can have this model shipped to you as well. Contact me at

*Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin Regeneration after Hemorrhage, by J.H. Hughes and A.L. Latner. Journal of Physiology. Vol. 86, 1936 University of Liverpool
# Gary’s platelet count rose every day for seven days from 61,000 to 141,000 and the only thing we did differently was administer wheatgrass. That’s phenomenal and it’s fully documented on the hospital record. –Leonard Smith M.D. Cancer Sugeon
References: Juice Fasting & Detoxification- Using the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great – The Fastest Way to Restore Your Health by Steve Meyerowitz

This information has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. Consult your physician for all medical concerns.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Arthritis and Inflammation

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the whole body, not just certain joints. Antioxidant nutrients, essential fats, and herbs such as boswellia, curcumin, and certain hop extracts, reduce inflammation. B vitamins and vitamin C support the endocrine system, which controls calcium balance. Vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and boron support bone health. Glucosamine and MSM help build healthy joints.

Diet Advice

Follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Any words ending in "itis" indicate an underlying inflammatory condition and may be improved by following an anti-inflammatory diet. For information on the anti-inflammatory food pyramid, visit Visit my website: under diet tips as well for information on this topic. Be sure to avoid: tea, coffee, sugar, and refined carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water and herb teas (made with purified water). Check for allergies, and have hair mineral analysis done to determine your mineral levels. Sometimes these specialized tests are available from a Naturopathic Doctor.


• 2 X multivitamin and multimineral
• 2 X antioxidant complex
• 2 X essential omega-3 and omega-6 oil capsules
• Joint support complex
• Bone mineral complex

Natural Painkillers

Turmeric, boswellia, ashwagandha, hop extract, and ginger all help reduce the overproduction of leukotrienes that cause pain and inflammation.

The bright yellow pigment of the spice turmeric contains the active compound curcumin, which has a variety of powerful anti-inflammatory actions—trials in which it was given to arthritic patients showed it to be similarly effective to the anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects. You need about 500mg 3 times a day.

Frankincense has the botanical name of Boswellia serrata, and it is also known as Indian frankincense; it proving to be a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent,

Ashwagandha is a promising natural remedy that has been used for hundreds of years as part of Ayurvedic medicine in India. The active ingredients of this powerful natural anti-inflammatory herb are “withanolides”. In animal studies, ashwagandha has proved highly effective against arthritis.

One of the most effective natural painkillers of all is an extract from hops called IsoOxygene. It works just as well as painkilling drugs but without the associated gut problems. You need about 1,500 mg a day.

Ginger is also anti-inflammatory, as well as rich in antioxidants. In one study, supplementing with ginger reduced pain and swelling in three-quarters of those with arthritis. Take 500 to 2,000 mg a day.

Glucosamine and MSM

Glucosamine is an essential part of the building material for joints and the cellular “glue” that holds the entire body together, although joint cartilage contains the highest concentration of glucosamine. The mechanism by which glucosamine appears to reverse joint degeneration is by providing the body with materials needed to build and repair cartilage.

Scientist originally thought that glucosamine just helped reduce the pain of arthritis, but recent research in Belgium has proven that it actually helps rebuild cartilage, thereby reversing joint damage. So if you do have any joint problems from injury or arthritis, glucosamine could well help you repair the damage as well as relieve the pain. Usual dosage for glucosamine is 500 mg three times daily. Glucosamine hydrochloride works better than glucosamine sulfate.

MSM is a source of the essential mineral element sulfur. Sulfur is involved in a multitude of key body functions, including pain control, regulation of inflammation, detoxification, and tissue building. Extraordinary results are starting to be reported in terms of pain relief and relief from arthritis from supplementing around 3 g of MSM daily.

A natural anti-inflammatory regimen to try is combinations of omega-3 fats, boswellia, hop extract, hydroxtyrosol from olives, glucosamine, and MSM. Look for combinations of these nutrients and herbal extracts.


Food allergies and sensitivities play a role in an enormous variety of health problems. They can be inherited from one’s parents or they can be caused by intestinal infections, medications, or even stress. Once food allergies begin, the chronic inflammation they cause in the intestinal membrane and the leakage of food proteins into the blood stream can cause severe health problems. A detoxification program is helpful but to really heal it’s necessary to determine which foods you are allergic or sensitive to and eliminate them from your diet for four to six months. During this time, your immune and digestive systems can recuperate; afterward, some of the foods might no longer bother you.

True food allergies are mediated by a type of anti-body called IgE. People tend to know about these allergies based on experience—hives immediate diarrhea and so on.

Food sensitivities, on the other hand are also known as delayed hypersensitivity reactions. Delayed reactions are precisely that: You eat something today but tomorrow you have a migraine headache or wake up feeling groggy and tired with bags under your eyes. These delayed reactions can underlie an enormous variety of symptoms and health conditions (for example, arthritis); many that you would never suspect were related to food allergies. Delayed reactions trigger antibodies called IgG. The IgG antibodies stimulate the immune system and create inflammation in many parts of the body.

It’s important to be tested for both IgE and IgG antibodies, so that you’ll know to which foods you are truly allergic and to which ones you are sensitive. Most physicians test only for IgE.

Almost everyone who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis has food and chemical allergies or sensitivities that make their symptoms flare up. The most common are allergies to wheat, (gluten and gliaden protein) and dairy products, (especially casein, and lactose intolerance). Chemical sensitivities include gas and car exhaust fumes. Strictly avoid these for one month to see whether or not they are contributing to your symptoms.

Tips to Keep Your Bones and Joints in Good Health

• Keep fit and supple and see an osteopath or chiropractor once a year.
• Reduce your meat consumption and avoid excessive protein.
• Get out of the stress cycle and keep stimulants to a minimum.
• Make sure your diet is rich in minerals from seeds nuts and root vegetables.
• If you have arthritis, check out possible food allergies.
• If you have osteoporosis, consider natural progesterone (as a cream, not as HRT).
• If you have joint inflammation, take a daily supplement of 1,000 mg of EPA/DHA fish oil or cod liver oil and a natural anti-inflammatory formula containing ashwagandha, turmeric, boswellia, or hop extracts, as well as glucosamine hydrochloride and MSM

The doses given here are for adults only. Please check the precautions given for any herb you are considering to use.

For a consultation and diet help for arthritis, please contact me at For arthritis supplements, follow the link below to view formulas for joint and bone health.


The New Optimum Nutrition Bible
By Patrick Holford
Iosol Iodine">
This information has not been approved by the FDA and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.
Those seeking help for specific medical conditions are advised to consult a qualified nutrition therapist, clinical nutritionist, doctor, or equivalent health care professional.
The recommendations given here are intended solely as education and information, and should not be taken as medical advice. Neither myself nor the sources mentioned accept liability for those who choose to self-prescribe.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Make Your Own Herbal Teas

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

Whether you’re choosing herbal teas for taste or health, there are a couple of different ways to go about making them. You can make herbal infusions or decoctions. When it comes to herbs, some of them require a variety of preparation methods to get the full benefits. This is why herbal decoctions are helpful. A slower process is needed to get what you need from barks, roots, seeds, and berries. They are made of harder material and need to be handled in a special way.

Some herbs just need a little water and heat to release the flavor and nutrients. Others can be used in a “raw” state without any preparation needed.

Look at a bark from a tree. Most barks are tough. In order to get all the bark has to offer, one has to decoct. Just a little heat will not do. More simmering time is required to get the most out of herbal "bark".

Some barks and flowers can be simmered from five to ten minutes. To decoct any tough herbs, you need to simmer it for at least twenty minutes and as much as forty-five minutes. This is different compared to mixtures that are included in teas. Standard teas steep for a few minutes. Decocting is a longer version of this process. The longer intense heat draws out the flavors and nutrients. Some recommend letting the herbs sit in the liquid for a few minutes before heating.

Remember that this should only be a simmer. Too much heat will destroy much of what you want and could even make the liquid taste very bitter.

Take into account the condition of the herb that you are using. Fresh herbs should be cut into smaller pieces. Dried herbs can be crushed. This will help the cells release their goodness.

Once the simmer is complete, strain the decoction. Press down on the strained pieces to extract even more from them. These are invaluable for attaining medicinal benefits from dried herbs. Infusions are made with flowers, while decoctions are more often made with roots.

Customizing Your Tea

Some herbs are very aromatic and will overpower other scents and tastes present in other herbs. Make sure you like the dominant fragrance and taste of the herbs you’ll use. Here is a recipe for an aromatic relaxing tea. To see just how many benefits are derived from these herbs, visit the mountain rose herbs link on this blog.

Time Out Tea

Lemon Balm
Lemon Verbena
Lavender Flowers

Mix equal parts of dried herbs together. Measure 1 tsp. per 1 cup of water or adjust the quantity to taste. As a guideline, decoctions are four times stronger than an infusion (regular cup of steeped tea). Boil herbs in a clay/glass or stainless steel pot for 5 minutes. Strain and Pour into tea cups with honey or stevia.

I’ve made a special tea just for my dad. It is a combination for men’s health. Some men may be concerned with inflammation, prostate health, and reducing arthritis pain. I put this combination together with these concerns in mind. If you’d like me to customize a tea just for you, visit my site for a consultation.

Dad’s Tea

Dried Saw Palmetto Berries
Powdered Ginger
Lemon Balm
Stinging Nettles (Dried Herb)

Follow the instructions for making an herbal decoction from or another tea site. Strain and serve with honey or stevia.

My Tea

This is my favorite tea that I’ve been drinking every morning for over 5 years. (This is just an infusion.) It all started when I went off coffee and black tea for a while. You may not like it as sickeningly sweet as I do, so maybe you’ll use fewer sweeteners. I love this tea!!!

Certified Organic White Peony (mountain rose herbs)
1 tsp. raw local honey (depending on wherever I’m living )
½ packet pure stevia
Brew as per instructions for tea on the package.

Go to reputable websites to learn about the safety and warnings of each herb you are taking. Herbs can be for external use only, etc. It’s very important to know facts about what herbs you’re taking.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner for health concerns.