Saturday, July 2, 2011

Raw Food Kitchen Basics

Rejuvelac/Sprouted Beverages

One basic of the raw food kitchen is rejuvelac, a fermented wheat beverage that raw foodists believe imparts great health benefits. It has a tart, lemony flavor; and because it’s fermented, it’s slightly carbonated, too.

If you want to get more vitamins naturally, you may want to learn how to make sprouts at home and enzyme rich drinks such as this one. I make rejuvelac for the naturally occurring acidophilus to help improve digestion. Another way to get probiotics is to make kefir. You could probably get kefir grains from your local health food store. Sprouts and sprouted beverages are very easy to make. You just need the right tools which are usually simple containers. This beverage takes about four days to make. Two days are needed for rinsing and sprouting and two days for fermenting.
Here’s what you’ll need for rejuvelac:

1. A one gallon jar with a wide mouth such as a large mason jar used for canning
2. Spring wheat berries or rye
3. Filtered water
4. Cheesecloth
5. Large rubber bands

Fill the jar about one-quarter full with the wheat berries, and then fill the jar with filtered water. Cover the jar with the cheesecloth securing it around the top of the jar with one or two thick rubber bands. Let the berries soak overnight or at least eight hours. Drain the berries, rinse them and then drain them again. (Now you have an idea of how to make sprouts too)

Place the jar upside down at an angle so that water can drain and air can circulate. The wheat berries should have a slight fermented smell but not moldy or too sour if they are being properly drained.

Rinse the wheat berries twice a day. After about two days, they will begin to sprout. When that happens, rinse and drain the berries once more, thoroughly. Fill the jar once more to the top with water and the sprouts soak for 48 hours or about two days. During that time, the liquid will ferment and become rejuvelac. Transfer the rejuvelac to a jar or juice pitcher and refrigerate.

Although this drink is healthy for digestion and the problems associated with wheat sensitivity are greatly reduced by sprouting, (think, sprouted breads and tortillas), it’s not recommended for anyone with severe wheat allergies or celiac. Maybe you could make a similar drink with a gluten-free grain such as quinoa if you’d to try it out.

Growing Wheatgrass

If you'd like to know how to make wheat grass, here's one of my favorite sites: Here you'll find all sorts of organic sprouting seeds. There are wheat grass juicers, and other varieties at I can order products from this site and have them shipped to you for free depending on where you live. Thanks!

Reference: The Complete Book of Raw Food by Lori Baird

Disclaimer: These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease whether physical or mental. Please consult your licensed health care practitioner for medical advice and concerns.

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