Sunday, April 24, 2011

Arthritis and Inflammation

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the whole body, not just certain joints. Antioxidant nutrients, essential fats, and herbs such as boswellia, curcumin, and certain hop extracts, reduce inflammation. B vitamins and vitamin C support the endocrine system, which controls calcium balance. Vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and boron support bone health. Glucosamine and MSM help build healthy joints.

Diet Advice

Follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Any words ending in "itis" indicate an underlying inflammatory condition and may be improved by following an anti-inflammatory diet. For information on the anti-inflammatory food pyramid, visit Visit my website: under diet tips as well for information on this topic. Be sure to avoid: tea, coffee, sugar, and refined carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water and herb teas (made with purified water). Check for allergies, and have hair mineral analysis done to determine your mineral levels. Sometimes these specialized tests are available from a Naturopathic Doctor.


• 2 X multivitamin and multimineral
• 2 X antioxidant complex
• 2 X essential omega-3 and omega-6 oil capsules
• Joint support complex
• Bone mineral complex

Natural Painkillers

Turmeric, boswellia, ashwagandha, hop extract, and ginger all help reduce the overproduction of leukotrienes that cause pain and inflammation.

The bright yellow pigment of the spice turmeric contains the active compound curcumin, which has a variety of powerful anti-inflammatory actions—trials in which it was given to arthritic patients showed it to be similarly effective to the anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects. You need about 500mg 3 times a day.

Frankincense has the botanical name of Boswellia serrata, and it is also known as Indian frankincense; it proving to be a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent,

Ashwagandha is a promising natural remedy that has been used for hundreds of years as part of Ayurvedic medicine in India. The active ingredients of this powerful natural anti-inflammatory herb are “withanolides”. In animal studies, ashwagandha has proved highly effective against arthritis.

One of the most effective natural painkillers of all is an extract from hops called IsoOxygene. It works just as well as painkilling drugs but without the associated gut problems. You need about 1,500 mg a day.

Ginger is also anti-inflammatory, as well as rich in antioxidants. In one study, supplementing with ginger reduced pain and swelling in three-quarters of those with arthritis. Take 500 to 2,000 mg a day.

Glucosamine and MSM

Glucosamine is an essential part of the building material for joints and the cellular “glue” that holds the entire body together, although joint cartilage contains the highest concentration of glucosamine. The mechanism by which glucosamine appears to reverse joint degeneration is by providing the body with materials needed to build and repair cartilage.

Scientist originally thought that glucosamine just helped reduce the pain of arthritis, but recent research in Belgium has proven that it actually helps rebuild cartilage, thereby reversing joint damage. So if you do have any joint problems from injury or arthritis, glucosamine could well help you repair the damage as well as relieve the pain. Usual dosage for glucosamine is 500 mg three times daily. Glucosamine hydrochloride works better than glucosamine sulfate.

MSM is a source of the essential mineral element sulfur. Sulfur is involved in a multitude of key body functions, including pain control, regulation of inflammation, detoxification, and tissue building. Extraordinary results are starting to be reported in terms of pain relief and relief from arthritis from supplementing around 3 g of MSM daily.

A natural anti-inflammatory regimen to try is combinations of omega-3 fats, boswellia, hop extract, hydroxtyrosol from olives, glucosamine, and MSM. Look for combinations of these nutrients and herbal extracts.


Food allergies and sensitivities play a role in an enormous variety of health problems. They can be inherited from one’s parents or they can be caused by intestinal infections, medications, or even stress. Once food allergies begin, the chronic inflammation they cause in the intestinal membrane and the leakage of food proteins into the blood stream can cause severe health problems. A detoxification program is helpful but to really heal it’s necessary to determine which foods you are allergic or sensitive to and eliminate them from your diet for four to six months. During this time, your immune and digestive systems can recuperate; afterward, some of the foods might no longer bother you.

True food allergies are mediated by a type of anti-body called IgE. People tend to know about these allergies based on experience—hives immediate diarrhea and so on.

Food sensitivities, on the other hand are also known as delayed hypersensitivity reactions. Delayed reactions are precisely that: You eat something today but tomorrow you have a migraine headache or wake up feeling groggy and tired with bags under your eyes. These delayed reactions can underlie an enormous variety of symptoms and health conditions (for example, arthritis); many that you would never suspect were related to food allergies. Delayed reactions trigger antibodies called IgG. The IgG antibodies stimulate the immune system and create inflammation in many parts of the body.

It’s important to be tested for both IgE and IgG antibodies, so that you’ll know to which foods you are truly allergic and to which ones you are sensitive. Most physicians test only for IgE.

Almost everyone who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis has food and chemical allergies or sensitivities that make their symptoms flare up. The most common are allergies to wheat, (gluten and gliaden protein) and dairy products, (especially casein, and lactose intolerance). Chemical sensitivities include gas and car exhaust fumes. Strictly avoid these for one month to see whether or not they are contributing to your symptoms.

Tips to Keep Your Bones and Joints in Good Health

• Keep fit and supple and see an osteopath or chiropractor once a year.
• Reduce your meat consumption and avoid excessive protein.
• Get out of the stress cycle and keep stimulants to a minimum.
• Make sure your diet is rich in minerals from seeds nuts and root vegetables.
• If you have arthritis, check out possible food allergies.
• If you have osteoporosis, consider natural progesterone (as a cream, not as HRT).
• If you have joint inflammation, take a daily supplement of 1,000 mg of EPA/DHA fish oil or cod liver oil and a natural anti-inflammatory formula containing ashwagandha, turmeric, boswellia, or hop extracts, as well as glucosamine hydrochloride and MSM

The doses given here are for adults only. Please check the precautions given for any herb you are considering to use.

For a consultation and diet help for arthritis, please contact me at For arthritis supplements, follow the link below to view formulas for joint and bone health.


The New Optimum Nutrition Bible
By Patrick Holford
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This information has not been approved by the FDA and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.
Those seeking help for specific medical conditions are advised to consult a qualified nutrition therapist, clinical nutritionist, doctor, or equivalent health care professional.
The recommendations given here are intended solely as education and information, and should not be taken as medical advice. Neither myself nor the sources mentioned accept liability for those who choose to self-prescribe.

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